Michael HoffmanPersonal Growth, Psychotherapy

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Michael Cornwall’s alternative psychotherapy lecture, “Helping People in Extreme States with Loving Receptivity,” now appears in the Video Room at SoberBuddha.com. Cornwall tells why he chose not to take psychiatric medication during his own experience in unusual mental states and how the decision led him into 35 years of work as a clinical psychologist in medication-free psychosis sanctuaries and communities.

“The Video Room offers SoberBuddha.com visitors inspiring films on topics chosen to help them live a more conscious life. These videos stimulate people to consider spiritual, mythological, meditative and imaginative ways of dealing with personal issues. Cultural history tells us that there is a lot more to mental health than what insurance companies and the DSM-V TR diagnostic manual dictate,” says Sober Buddha founder Michael Hoffman.

Cornwall believes with other spiritual psychology thought leaders that the psychiatric community’s tendency to prematurely diagnose and over-medicate patients who exhibit unusual behavioral symptoms should be challenged. His presentations at conferences, graduate schools, workshops, and at Esalen Institute explain in detail a variety of ways of being with people in extreme states.

The Video Room now also features the following films:

Doing Time, Doing Vipassana – Karuna Film’s documentary on the benefits of meditation at Tihar Jail in New Delhi, India.

Shinzen Young on Vipassana Mindfulness Meditation – Clear, concise introduction to this authentic technique.

Bodhisattva en Metro – A delightful and humorous sketch about the value of laughter.

Finding Meaning in Difficult Times – Interview with psychiatrist and Holocaust survivor Viktor Frankl

What is the Hero’s Journey? – Pat Soloman’s TED Talk about this fascinating global myth.

Overview of Archetypal Vision – Medical intuitive Carolyn Myss explains the basic concepts of characteristic energies that determine our thoughts, emotions and behavior.

About Michael Hoffman

Michael Hoffman

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Professional counselor Michael Hoffman motivates clients to overcome anxiety, depression and addiction by transforming self-limiting beliefs. His mindfulness meditation techniques help them discover new meaning in life as they grow more conscious of their psychological and spiritual potential. He is a Doctor of Addictive Disorders (Dr.AD) and a certified hypnotherapist (CHt).

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